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Do tipo textual ao gênero de texto: a reda??o no vestibular
Pistori, Maria Helena Cruz;
Bakhtiniana: Revista de Estudos do Discurso , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S2176-45732012000100009
Abstract: today's official documents drawn up by the ministry of education in brazil have advocated that textual production should be taught by the concepts of speech genre or textual genre. following this guideline, the 2011 edition of the entrance exam, vestibular, of one of the most important universities in the state of s?o paulo, brazil, asked its candidates to write three texts, each one belonging to a different genre. in order to verify the theoretical-methodological horizons that motivated the elaboration of that exam, we analyzed the texts of (1) the candidate's guidelines, (2) the examination essay and (3) the expectations set by the examiners. our theoretical perspective is the concept of discursive genre as developed by the members of the bakhtin circle since 1920. then, we observe how this new proposal aims at evaluating the characteristics that the university expects to find in each one of its students; how the theoretical perspectives are used in the analyzed texts and how the assessment of the candidates' argumentative ability is ensured. finally, we suggest the possibility of working with the genre "scholar essay".
Paix?es, andamento e ritmo num processo jurídico-penal
Pistori, Maria Helena Cruz;
DELTA: Documenta??o de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-44502010000200006
Abstract: this work intends to demonstrate how passion intensity modulates a criminal law process, contributing to the production of its different senses. it's based on french semiotics and ancient rhetoric theories. we present a few examples of passionate arguments found in the whole law process, showing the means defined to verify the passion grades involved in each of the texts. these grades are visualized in a graph which relates passion intensity, tempo and rhythm, as producers of different sense effects. finally, we consider the contribution this approach can give to the comprehension of juridical argumentation and law phenomena in our society.
Literatura e outras linguagens
Maria Helena Cruz Pistori
Pro-Posi??es , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/s0103-73072011000100016
Do tipo textual ao gênero de texto. A reda o no vestibular / From textual type to textual genre. The essay in the university entrance exam
Maria Helena Cruz Pistori
Bakhtiniana: Revista de Estudos do Discurso , 2012,
Abstract: Os atuais documentos oficiais elaborados pelo Ministério da Educa o no Brasil têm preconizado o ensino da produ o textual por meio do gênero - discursivo ou textual. Seguindo essa linha, o exame vestibular de ingresso a uma das maiores universidades paulistas de 2011 também solicitou dos candidatos a elabora o de três textos, de diferentes gêneros. Com o objetivo de verificar que horizontes teórico-metodológicos fundamentaram a elabora o daquele exame, analisamos os textos do (1) Manual do Candidato, da (2) Prova de reda o e da (3) Expectativa da banca. Nosso parametro teórico é o conceito de gênero discursivo conforme desenvolvido pelos membros do Círculo de Bakhtin desde 1920. Observamos, ent o, como essa nova proposta visa avaliar as características que a Universidade espera encontrar em cada um de seus alunos; como utiliza o arsenal teórico nos textos analisados e como garante a avalia o da capacidade argumentativa dos candidatos. Finalmente, sugerimos a possibilidade de trabalho com o gênero “disserta o escolar”.Today's official documents drawn up by the Ministry of Education in Brazil have advocated that textual production should be taught by the concepts of speech genre or textual genre. Following this guideline, the 2011 edition of the entrance exam, vestibular, of one of the most important universities in the state of S o Paulo, Brazil, asked its candidates to write three texts, each one belonging to a different genre. In order to verify the theoretical-methodological horizons that motivated the elaboration of that exam, we analyzed the texts of (1) the candidate's guidelines, (2) the examination essay and (3) the expectations set by the examiners. Our theoretical perspective is the concept of discursive genre as developed by the members of the Bakhtin Circle since 1920. Then, we observe how this new proposal aims at evaluating the characteristics that the University expects to find in each one of its students; how the theoretical perspectives are used in the analyzed texts and how the assessment of the candidates’ argumentative ability is ensured. Finally, we suggest the possibility of working with the genre "scholar essay".
ARáN, Olga Pampa. Nuevo diccionario de la teoría de Mijail Bajtin. Córdoba, Argentina: Ferreyra Editor, 2006. 284p. (English)
Maria Helena Cruz Pistori
Bakhtiniana: Revista de Estudos do Discurso , 2012,
Abstract: Review
ARáN, Olga Pampa. Nuevo diccionario de la teoría de Mijail Bajtin. Córdoba, Argentina: Ferreyra Editor, 2006. 284p. (Português)
Maria Helena Cruz Pistori
Bakhtiniana: Revista de Estudos do Discurso , 2012,
Abstract: Resenha
O poder concelhio em tempos medievais : o deve e haver historiográfico
Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho
Revista da Faculdade de Letras : Historia , 2006,
Abstract: In this study, drawing upon the various syntheses that have been examining the medieval historiographical production, one presents an evaluation of the works published about the municipal thematic, especially in the last decade of the 20th century and the early years of the current one. One covers the methodologies and the results obtained in recent works and articles around the development of the municipal movement at the time of its implantation, between the 11th century and beginning of the 14th century, and later on during its maturation period, in the 14th and 15th centuries. On the first stage, one emphasises the better knowledge of the influence networks and agents that converged to the genesis and differentiated identification of these centres of local power, which were later legally sanctioned by the cartas de foral (charters of privilege). Regarding the second period, one pinpoints the variety of analyses of the municipal life, stressing the study of the social elites and the discourse of the municipalities in Courts or in studies of a more economic and legislative nature, that deal with finance and local by-laws, and also the more recent studies that address the municipal written production, the circulation of writings and its more significant symbolic landmarks. Making known what has been done, this work also points to some research and studies’ directions that still have to be pursued within the scope of the multifaceted approach to municipal power in medieval times.
A produtividade do conceito de gênero em Bakhtin e o Círculo
Brait, Beth;Pistori, Maria Helena Cruz;
Alfa : Revista de Linguística (S?o José do Rio Preto) , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S1981-57942012000200002
Abstract: in brazil, the concept of genre is being largely used - even in official documents and pedagogical materials. taking into consideration how wide the theoretical-practical framework known as genre has become, this paper addresses everyone who, in their teaching experiences and research, faces this reality and is willing to critically and constructively discuss the contemporary nuances of this concept as well as their consequences to academic, educational, or editorial institutions. to participate in this discussion, it is required to recognize that the concept of genre, in its multiple affiliations, involves different theoretical and methodological dimensions which consequences to the understanding of texts and discourses should not be ignored. among the existing reflections on genre, we find the one developed by bakhtin/volochinov/medvedev. despite the fact that the essay "speech genres" is the only widespread text being used in documents and research, it is not the only one to address the issue. other works by the circle contribute to the notion of genre based upon the idea that language is materialized in concrete utterances, articulating the "interior" and the "exterior" and making the notion of a historically and socially situated subject possible. this concept will be hereby presented both theoretically and practically.
Beth Brait,Maria Helena Cruz Pistori
Alfa : Revista de Linguística , 2012,
Abstract: No Brasil, o conceito de gênero circula de forma intensa, incluído em documentos oficiais e em materiais didáticos. Considerando a amplitude alcan ada pelo arcabou o teórico-prático denominado gênero, este artigo destina-se a todos os que, na vivência profissional ligada a ensino e pesquisa, enfrentam essa realidade e se disp em a discutir, de maneira crítica e construtiva, nuances contemporaneas desse conceito, bem como suas consequências para os meios institucionais, quer acadêmicos, escolares ou editoriais. Esse enfrentamento exige o reconhecimento de que, em suas múltiplas filia es, o conceito de gênero implica dimens es teóricas e metodológicas diferenciadas, cujas consequências para a compreens o de textos e discursos n o podem ser ignoradas. Dentre as reflex es existentes, encontra-se a que foi desenvolvida por Bakhtin, Volochinov e Medvedev. Embora o ensaio “Os gêneros do discurso” seja o único difundido e utilizado em documentos e pesquisas, ele n o é o único a tratar da quest o. Outros trabalhos do Círculo contribuem para a concep o de gênero fundada na ideia de que a linguagem se materializa por meio de enunciados concretos, articulando “interior” e “exterior”, viabilizando a no o de sujeito, histórica e socialmente situado. Essa concep o será apresentada, neste trabalho, de forma teórica e prática.
Editorial / Editorial
Beth Brait,Maria Helena Cruz Pistori
Bakhtiniana: Revista de Estudos do Discurso , 2012,
Abstract: Editorial

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